Tuesday, February 24, 2009

golden shower

Entendemos que la velocidad del proyector cinematográfico es de 24 fps. aunque cada uno tiene pequeñas variaciones:
Por tanto no se puede calcular con exactitud.

Dividimos en secuencias numéricas la película de 16, segun el principio de los 24fps: 1-2-3-4-6-8-12-24. Gracias a esta división, se pueden crear secuencias de 24fps con variaciones que sigan estos parametros numéricos:
-rallar 1 fotograma de cada 24;
-iluminar 6 fotogramas de cada 24,
-destrozar la banda de sonido de 3 de cada 24... y así en las múltiples combinaciones.

Existen dice Bruce McClure, dos posiciones básicas: el taking (quien "toma las escenas con la cámara") i el giving, quién está con el proyector. Trabajar en esta última, es trabajar directamenet con al retina del que lo está viendo; dejar que la casualidad intervenga y que la percepción visual haga sus pequeños juegos alucinatorios. El momento del taking, también se conoce por ser "the hole of glory"; pero el given seria algo como "the golden shower", o para los menos perspicaces..."LA LLUVIA DORADA".

Esto lo dice un hombre (Bruce McClure), que el primer dia de clase nos dibujo esto:
y nos preguntó:

Bruce: -what's this? (*)
Clase: -...... (cara de caca todos)
Bruce: -an asshole....

siempre me quedo con la anécdota, no lo puedo evitar

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

los borrachos bailan ronnie spector

Creo que más que nunca, tenemos la canción de los borrachos. A veces me los tomo demasiado en serio. Ha llegado un momento en que los borrachos, como hacian en dumbo los paquidermos ebrios, se apoderan de mis sueños.
Eso, la canción de los borrachos:

"Say Goodbye to Hollywood" Ronnie Spector <--link

So many faces in and out of my life
Some will last
Some will just be now and then
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes
I'm afraid it's time for goodbye again

Say goodbye to Hollywood
Say goodbye to my baby

Thursday, February 12, 2009

el sueño de una cosa 2

Cinema of Transgression Manifesto
by Nick Zedd

We who have violated the laws, commands and duties of the avant-garde; i.e. to bore, tranquilize and obfuscate through a fluke process dictated by practical convenience stand guilty as charged. We openly renounce and reject the entrenched academic snobbery which erected a monument to laziness known as structuralism and proceeded to lock out those filmmakers who possesed the vision to see through this charade.
We refuse to take their easy approach to cinematic creativity; an approach which ruined the underground of the sixties when the scourge of the film school took over. Legitimising every mindless manifestation of sloppy movie making undertaken by a generation of misled film students, the dreary media arts centres and geriatic cinema critics have totally ignored the exhilarating accomplishments of those in our rank - such underground invisibles as Zedd, Kern, Turner, Klemann, DeLanda, Eros and Mare, and DirectArt Ltd, a new generation of filmmakers daring to rip out of the stifling straight jackets of film theory in a direct attack on every value system known to man.
We propose that all film schools be blown up and all boring films never be made again. We propose that a sense of humour is an essential element discarded by the doddering academics and further, that any film which doesn't shock isn't worth looking at. All values must be challenged. Nothing is sacred. Everything must be questioned and reassessed in order to free our minds from the faith of tradition.Intellectual growth demands that risks be taken and changes occur in political, sexual and aesthetic alignments no matter who disapproves. We propose to go beyond all limits set or prescribed by taste, morality or any other traditional value system shackling the minds of men. We pass beyond and go over boundaries of millimeters, screens and projectors to a state of expanded cinema.
We violate the command and law that we bore audiences to death in rituals of circumlocution and propose to break all the taboos of our age by sinning as much as possible. There will be blood, shame, pain and ecstasy, the likes of which no one has yet imagined. None shall emerge unscathed. Since there is no afterlife, the only hell is the hell of praying, obeying laws, and debasing yourself before authority figures, the only heaven is the heaven of sin, being rebellious, having fun, fucking, learning new things and breaking as many rules as you can. This act of courage is known as transgression. We propose transformation through transgression - to convert, transfigure and transmute into a higher plane of existence in order to approach freedom in a world full of unknowing slaves.

Y me viene a la cabeza esa canción de electropop que dice: "porno trash, porno trash qué flash". Enfant terrible del underground, que no es moco de pavo, teniendo en cuenta lo que sus antedecesores ya venían siendo/haciendo. Creo que si pudiera elegirle un padre, seria Jack Smith. Además abusaria de él. Sino no se entiende de dónde sale. El video de arriba parece una oda a lara portillo.

PD. Será proyectado WAR IS MENSTRUAL ENVY de Nick Zebb en el Xperimenta 09.